Tom Nault

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Time to write about something else

I “work” a lot. When I say a lot, most of my days are twelve hours, even on weekends. If I had to boil it all down, at my core, I love to write. It seems like everything flows from there. It’s hard to call it “work” when I love what I do.

We live in a world where we’re bombarded by content from every direction. There is so much coming at us, that we can’t read all the headlines in our most interested topics in a day. It’s why I’m so grateful when you take the time to read what I write. You could be spending this time on other people’s content. I think about that all the time, so I constantly strive to be a better writer. I want to live up to your level of trust.

I just crossed a thousand answers on Quora. I’m a little burnt out too. It was a bit of a personal milestone. Most of my answers are 500 words or more. That’s 500,000 words in exactly 1,045 days since I joined Quora. That’s like cranking out 5.5 novels in less than three years! This on top of full time other work.

All of my writings have been viewed 2.9 million times to date. I’ve been pushed out on the Quora Digest to some 14.7 million readers. I’m kind of fried on the process.

My problem is I don’t know where to take it at this point. I’m an expert at fixing and growing companies and it’s been my professional career since I graduated from college decades ago. Yet, I get tired of that topic as if it’s all there is to write about. I think it’s time to pick a different direction and write about something else other than business. If someone is considering me for a role, there is plenty of content out there. They don’t need me to share any more. I’ve beat the topic to death.

My personal page is going to remain just that, personal. I’m going to take a break from writing about business here. It’s time to write about something else. Time for a new chapter on this personal page. We’ll see where it all goes. I’m now in search of new topics.