Tom Nault

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Seven Million Content Views!

Wow, I just crossed the 7 million content view mark on Quora! It’s what they call readers and people who spend enough time on something I wrote to be assumed to be a reader. They could just click what I wrote and be distracted by something else, so they can’t exactly call them a “readers,” but no matter what, it’s still a big number to me. I have the same number of followers on Tom and Friends… as the number of people in Springfield, MO and I’m grateful for that too.

I’ve answered almost 1,400 questions on Quora, and I’ve not written in a while because of the demands of Infrrd. In fact, I think I’ve only answered fewer than five questions since I started at Infrrd. Between the house closing, unpacking and settling in, it’s absorbed that much time that I’d otherwise spend writing. I also have the daily Journey page, and that also displaces time I’d spend on Quora, but it’s fun to write the Journey page and think about my friends.

I never know if I’m a good writer or not. I do my best to write what I think and make it all sound interesting, but the only validation I get comes from stats like this. When I write, it’s not like I know someone is reading. At times I feel like I’m writing to myself, then think, what’s the point? The best advice I ever got from someone about my writing on Quora was that no matter what, no matter how few readers I’ll get at times, to just keep writing, and so I have. I started in December 2017, and here I am, fifty months later.

I finished writing my book and I need to get back to Laura’s editing to get the thing done. There are just not enough hours in the day to do it all, but I will get the book done and then look for a publisher. In the meantime, I’m super-grateful that so many people at least looked at my writing if nothing else. It keeps me writing.

Oh, and this doesn’t include those who read my stuff pushed out on the digest. That’s gone to over 34.7 million readers, but I don’t know what that really means either. It sounds good anyway.