I’m Writing a Book

About mid-October, I started to write a book about how to not screw up your company. I sat at my laptop and just started writing. I wrote about ten-thousand words a week for seven weeks straight. I also wrote on three blogs, worked on Middlerock client projects, and still found time to walk my dog. I didn’t do much else.

Now that I’m in edit mode, the task has become intensely difficult. Yesterday I spent five hours digesting my editors notes and I was only in the first few sections. I have no idea how this book is going to be received, but it’s the best work I know how to produce on the subject of things that screw up otherwise great companies that have a chance of changing the world.

This is the first time I’ve ever worked with an editor and it’s a whole different process and one I’m not use to. I’m open to suggestions, and I’m absorbing every correction, but the task of correcting style elements is a bit of a conflict. It’s like writing in a different language, using a different voice I’ve never used before. I don’t yet know how it will work, but remember that everything in life is hard before it’s easy. I’m trusting in the expertise of others and completely separating myself from the process of improvement. I want to generate a high quality product.

From there, it’s off to find the right publisher and that world will be new to me too. Some think it will get published by someone, others say nope, not a chance. I know nothing about the process other than I had the need to write the book. The variations of opinions about my chances of success are no different from any venture I start, so I’m not worried about those who believe it’s futile. I’ve worked in the world of futile many times.

I come across a lot of great writers on Quora and other places. I envy their ability to string a concept into a unique sentence that grabs you. Someday. I keep writing and learning. I hope to learn a lot from the editor and apply that knowledge here so you’re not bored to death. I fear someone writing me, once it’s in print form, reminding me there is a toilet paper shortage, of cursing me for killing a tree somewhere. I know it will have its share of critics, like anything else worthwhile I guess.

I’m behind on so many other things I want to get done in a day. I’ve cleared the decks of as many social engagements as possible so I can dive on this edit process like me on chocolate cake from Deru Market. I’ll be a little different for a bit as I work to get through this, but know, I’m building something that reflects my best work.


I Skipped Christmas This Year


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