Photos that mark a story in my life
Taken in extremely low light with the color added back. The purple is a reflection from the sky.
Night shot at 11 PM while I was taking a break.
That was a long wait for resurfacing.
Time to do yard work!
Early morning storm.
A storm building from the north.
Three ham sandwiches!
It was a busy day for this boy.
My favorite ham sandwiches!
Nicci comes to visit us!
Fantastic Caverns
Post driveway cleanup!
My lawn care supervisor.
2024 AI enhanced headshot.
Shot at night with just moonlight.
This is a serious no to the idea of hitting the lawn.
Shot just before light with a long exposure
Another long exposure looking west long after sunset
More low light tests.
9 PM at night as the sun set- longer exposure in low light.
Early morning glow of Springfield nine miles west.
"Shelly" happy to get her morning apple slices.
Another Moose Lodge visitor.
Tide happy to grab a nap.
Flooding after a rain storm.
He's claimed the back yard as his. I've yet to give him a name.
DeKay's Brown Snake. A nice little guy passing through as I mowed. They eat grubs and are somewhat rare to see in person.
Tide watching the deer up close and personal.
Tide at the barn hanging with the horses.
Before spring clean-up
After Spring clean-up
My Zoom setup.
Middle of the night Zoom call setup
Clearing the leaves in the lower meadow. You can barely see the back of the house off in the distance.
This shot was at night and that's the moon peeking through from the east.
Early morning outside at Moose Lodge
Storm season
We just had this lit tree cleaned up and looking spiffy for the new year.
The dam off in the woods southeast of the house.
The only time of the year when you can see the floor in the woods.
The east side of the house looking west.
T after his hike through the woods. He's done.
The only real snow all winter. It lasted three days.
The only time I can see the neighbors yard all year.
The tractor makes fixing the retaining wall fairly easy work!
Brush cleanup after a wind storm.
Time for his favorite game!
No talking him into playing in the leaf pile.
Trying to reason with a dog who thinks leaf piles are sketchy.
Fall 2023
Meet "Plywood" who is now a regular at Moose Lodge
Meet "Target," a young fawn who is a bit too brave to last very long.
A night shot with nothing but the yard lights.
A night sky with the new iPhone 15 low light capability.
The hidden section of the driveway rarely seen.
What a cool event space!
Shelly is one happy turtle!
Another project of Tom's.
E@RTC Opening Day Volunteers 2023
Catching up with old friends on Opening Day
Pre event team meeting next to my good friend Vic and co-founder.
Yup, we're full!
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Opening Day 2023
Trevor, Jon and others Opening Day 2023
Tide reluctantly posing. The tractor is now his favorite thing to follow around.
Chelsea, her friend Lynn and I out for breakfast.
Chelsea took the dogs for a swim while I was in Seattle.
All set for the morning of Opening Day 2023
One of Lynns new foals.
Tide not wanting to deal with life.
Out at the Springfield Equestrian Center
Where the Sprinter lives.
All ready for the next adventure.
Behan and Jennifer come to visit Moose Lodge
Hanging out at Top of the Rock
Top of the Rock 2023
Top of the Rock 2023
Tide's favorite spot when he's wiped out.
Belle watching Chelsea give my friend Jennifer a riding lesson.
Early spring tree lighting in the front yard.
Early spring tree lighting up close.
It looks amazing in winter
The stream handling the water just fine after a storm.
The stream through the back side of the house.
Tide's favorite game- stealing a bottle from me.
The two times we had deep snow all winter 2022-23
Back yard winter. The green lights are the trail lights. This was taken in low light.
Top of the Rock
Caves at Top of the Rock
Caves at Top of the Rock
The trail at Top of the Rock
Tide loves to tag along when I do yard work.
Happy to just tag along.
Tide leading the way down the driveway.
Tide actually smiling about something.
"Shelleen" a new addition to the yard. New turtles get apple slices.
Shelleen is not at all afraid of me.
Shelldon doesn't like people
Jennifer getting Tide and Belle's attention
Tide hamming it up for Chelsea
Returning home after a drive in the rain.
The lawn is back to normal after looking horrible all winter.
We get serious rain here at ML!
He just doesn't want to deal with life.
After the fun is over. Getting RTC back to normal.
One of the posters at the mall.
Dobar Chicken! My absolute favorite at Pogacha on Mercer Island.
My brother working the coolest job there is.
Tide and his bestie.
A silent protest
Errands are fun!
Just two days after the big snow.
This was kind of cool
Three to five inches fell
Utility garage shows some of the snow depth
Moose Lodge in winter!
I just need to figure out where to plow
Great panoramic
All new snow without the roads plowed just yet
You can barely see Moose Lodge in the trees
Nice winter shot!
Looking north
Snow removal, one bucket at a time, but easy and fun!
Backed the cars in the night before just in case
The storm brought down lots of small branches
Small paw prints were everywhere at the south side of the house
Lots of deer down in the meadow all week
Chipmunk watching over his winter home.
The Meteor Crater near Winslow, AZ
Waking up to the snow
It's a girl oh Lord in a flatbed Ford...
The meteor crater outside of Winslow, AZ
Standing on a corner in Winslow, AZ
Yup, the storm came in. It's always so quiet.
This was a very cool tiny house. $125k.
Scarpetta, a tradition before I leave CES
Everyone had an AI Machine Learning solution for the lawn
Yard care robots were big this year
One of the nicest looking booths, but with terrible focus and messaging
This booth made no sense, but it looked nice
This JD weed zapper was amazing technology.
The giant boom from the weed zapper
John Deere is a very impressive company
Mercedes still has some of the best looking cars
I'm not sure what I think of this design.
LG had a very nice booth
I'm not sure how this would work. Seems like the view would suck.
Interesting from the outside, but looks like it would be unpleasant inside.
I was very impressed by this solution.
CES 2023
Car technology is about to make another major leap.
CAT D777 and Vic in the lower left corner
Look at the size of just one tire for scale.
Great view from my room.
Nice view of the fountains from my room.
Typical winter weather during CES.
Great view of the strip from my room.
It was nice to sit and watch the fountains from my room.
CES 2023
Vdara 52nd Floor facing north
All badged up and ready for day 1 of CES 2023
It's worth the stop
Food was good at the Big Texan
Sit back and enjoy dynamic cruise
Chelsea's turn to drive- CES 2023!
Moose Lodge on Thanksgiving
Moose Lodge only makes an appearance for four months out of the year
Moose Lodge through the trees
Typical downpour from our Missouri rains
The wonderful hard rains from the front porch
Moose Lodge in June 2022
Controlled burn of a nearby field
These three are regulars at the house. One is always standing watch.
Shelly loves her daily apple slices.
Steam Tractor Days, a local event.
Local steam tractor event
Local steam tractor event
Early tractor
Steam tractor event
Still the best way to see the USA.
Sad that family was gone...but more company coming soon!
Getting the Sprinter ready for the 4th of July adventure to see a friend's show
Tide cooling off with family...and not loving it
My brother Dave taking a break from Rail duties to come visit with family. What a great time.
Family comes to visit Moose Lodge!
Taken at night- what a tranquil place.
You can't see the house from the street in Summer.
The new flagpole at night at Moose Lodge
The latest addition as my needs change around here
His new ride...and he fits, sort of
Moose Lodge on a cold winter day...
Lighting the front tree at Moose Lodge
Almost daily occurrence at Moose Lodge.
Settled in finally at Moose Lodge. Two weeks of non-stop unpacking.
Crossing the canyon at Big Cedar Lodge
My new house, "Moose Lodge" where I'm now living. What an extraordinary house!
A nice crisp morning at Moose Lodge
Finding Big Cedar Lodge
Fresh snow at Moose Lodge
Big lights at Moose Lodge
A birthday painting of the big guy. Click for a link to her site.
My new job, daily bird feeding!
CES 2022 begins!
A stop in Nashville where it was very hot and humid.
First stop after purchase- Walmart to provision in Knoxville, TN August 23, 2021
Tide's very first day out for a swim. Sort of fun, but not entirely.
"We're driving how far???" As we head to Wisconsin by way of eleven different states as we begin the search for a new home.
I took a drive to Port Townsend and came across this 1928 Model A, and got to talking to the owner. These cars are 91 years apart in technology, but both still get you to the same place.
Fifteen and happy... very content dog! This was a favorite pastime. Just laying around, watching critters on a summer day.
Mathilda had moments once she reached the end. I was helping her up during a senior moment just a few months before we lost her. She was happy right up until eighteen hours before she was gone. I sure learned a lot about living from her and I miss her every day.
(Photo courtesy of Spencer Leamer) from our 2020 E@RTC Yearbook. I'm proud of the all-volunteer organization we created. Oh, and I love my i8 as the most unusual car I've ever owned and by far the most interesting to me.
I wanted to try something completely different and so far, I still find it remarkable experience. It's fun to drive, fast, and it's completely unique.
I can't say enough good things about this car. It's really been one of my favorites of all time.
Building and trusting something you built. What an experience! I learned a lot in the process and when finished, it flew extremely well.
The joy of flying what you built. Nothing gets you to pay close attention to build instructions than risking your life that you did it right.
Low and slow, but what a view! It's also remarkable what can now be displayed on a glass cockpit.
Flying towards Mt. Rainier on a nice day. There is nothing flying with a better, less obstructed view.
I couldn't stop thinking about the creativity behind this. It's an exhibit unlike any other and the scariest guest teacher I've ever had in school.
Five friends who've influenced my life excited about CES 2020. Little did we know just months later everything would be shut down.
Dress up as Tom day. Even the squirrel costume is an inside joke because, yes, I do feed the squirrels at my house.
The newest member of the family and a complete ham. He's an absolutely wonderful guy.
...and happy to be a part of the family. He's an important part of my life and a great buddy.
This is every hour of every day. Mathilda loved having a brother in her last months. The experience bought her more time.
They became a tag team and were a constant source of what they thought were great ideas.
Of all the cars I've ever owned, this was my favorite and the one I miss the most. I had four in a row! This was the last one, and while it was a great vehicle, Lexus has fallen very far behind competitors.
Riding on the Goodyear Airship was a real highlight of 2020...if there were any... It's an experience I'll never forget. It was a bit like boating.
Family comes to visit... it doesn't happen often, but it's nice when it happens.
Exotics at Redmond Town Center has been one of the best things we've ever created. It's hard to believe we've been at it since 2009.
E@RTC, the event we created draws tens of thousands every summer, and it's wonderful to see so many happy people.
Kevin showing up for his peanuts ever day.
Hundreds of cars showing up for another day of E@RTC. You'd never know there were that many people nuts about exotic and rare cars.
He's kind of had it.
You don't know chaos until you agree to dog sit two MORE critters who combined all have great ideas, but not in the exact same second. It was a very busy weekend, but everyone behaved.
Right about now, he's wondering if he can have another spin at the adoption wheel.
I love to visit this site at least once a year. It reminds me of just how small we are in the universe. I love to just sit there and think about what we're discovering.
I couldn't resist our latest selfie. I've realized that the worst years of my life were those without a dog.
So many dam jokes and not enough hours in the day. Dam it! What a memorable day!
This was another bucket list ownership adventure and a lot of fun. I have many great memories with this thing and I was able to pick it up at the factory and drive it back west. What an experience!
My rolling home on the inside. This became a constant destination, even when it was tucked in the garage.
It fit in my garage just fine, and with enough room to park the Jeep.
Stop along the Oregon Coast.
Early morning departure for our next adventure!
Beach stop!
My regular stop, the air museum in Oregon.
Out with the old, in with the new. Moving from one to the other.
Stopping at one of the beach parks in Washington.
Driving home from the factory at the big I80 Truck Stop in Iowa
All alone at the big I80.
Heading home from Pacific Beach, Washington
Interior photo before I made some slight changes.
Another day of E@RTC and I'm always the one who's cold.
Dealer photo before I picked it up.
The most capable volunteers found anywhere. Better known as the beloved "Parking Thugs."
What a dedicated bunch of volunteers and friends! They sure do amazing things for the community. I can't thank them enough.
I miss hanging out with these guys for breakfast every Saturday at the Barking Frog.
Picking up my first motor coach just outside of Dallas, Texas. It was brand new and they did a terrible job of shaking it out before I left the dealer. (Dealer Photo)
It was right about this day when I decided I wasn't a track guy.
Our regular meeting spot for many years now. This is Salish Lodge, and one of my favorite escapes for a pizza.
There are very few pictures of me driving my cars. I took this one by accident, yet it's a favorite.
Mathilda, in her safe space. From her puppy days, she always loved to be under something.
Nothing like the pure joy of beach time, even in cold winter on the Oregon Coast near Newport.
A typical road to anywhere in Illinois as Mathilda and I drove cross country.
This is one of my all-time favorite memories of Mathilda and me traveling around the US taking backroads to wherever we felt like driving that day. She loved to fly her ears on a country backroad and we didn't care how long it took to get to our next stop. This photo was taken the day before we drove through the city where I now live.
Talking to our party guest in Newport Beach about a why some guests had to leave... what a story!
I promised Mike I'd fill the circle of the NB Fairmont with Lamborghinis one day, and so I did.
Writer, director, producer Allan Katz and a close friend asked me to come up with a slogan... so I did.
It's easy to forget just how athletic she was in her younger days.
She just sat down in snow for the very first time. We all know what she's thinking. I don't have to explain the expression.
This was such great fun!
Mathilda loved to climb snow banks. They were super-fun!
More family, my sister and her long term mate Chris. I think Mathilda was about two in this photo.
Watching life move by in Tokyo. I was lucky it was a regular part of my work and I never forgot that every time I was in Tokyo.
Mathilda's best friend Kinsey who was the boss and chief instigator of just about everything. It's hard to believe they are now gone. I sure miss these two.
I took this photo in the middle of the night using the new iPhone 12 Max Pro. Remarkable! I had to post it because of what the iPhone has become.
Where I did my best work... My former home from 2008 until 2021.
Vacation with Mathilda and about eight other friends in San Diego. Mathilda loved making new friends.
This was one of my best days ever, and the biggest wish I had post sale of OI to Qualcomm. Just beach time with Mathilda. In the weeks post sale, I threw the ball so much, I tore up my arm.
Worst idea ever, rolling in a dead sea lion... not enough tomato juice in the world to fix that kind of stink! She knew it too. It took weeks for it to finally go away.
There is nothing more important than a good stick, and a fast fly-by. Nothing made her happier than a day at the beach.
Loading up the car at the Fairmont in San Jose after Car Week in Monterey.
Two people who have been in my life for a very long time and shaped it. Kim and Tiffany, my two assistants all dressed up for a charity event. These two also gave me Mathilda as a puppy.
I was never one for car photos of me with my cars, however this photo was taken by Jason Tang one morning after a group breakfast in Black Diamond, WA. It's one of the few I've ever liked of me and my LP670-4SV and it's the only Verde Ithaca SV to hit US shores.
A bucket list ownership experience and early promise to myself and a conversation with a friend in the early 90s that I'd be doing this very thing. Someone shot this and sent it to me as I drove down PCH in Orange County in my LP640 in early 2008.
Seeing your software on one of the most important products to ever launch on 6/29/07. That was a big day for our history. It's still on the phone today.
A simple entrance to a remarkable company. We didn't have a fancy office or expensive buildout. We kept it real. I wish I had a better photo, but I always loved the adherence to basics.
The product and customer that changed everything January 2007. I took this picture the day the phone was revealed at Mac World in San Francisco. I was at CES and jumped on the next flight to get this and other photos for our customers.
Winter training. For two years in a row, I'd skate 3,500 miles a year. It's not a typo. It helps if you live on a 30 mile trail. I'd skate a double marathon once a week.
I came across this old photo from my teaching days. Pads were required as an inline instructor.
It was an incredible job, taking care of such a massive chunk of land as trustee.
One of my favorite projects; managing the thousands of acres you see here, back in the 90s. It was my first trust case and it was an extraordinary experience from beginning to end.