Quora Does it Again!
I don’t know what it is about Quora, but I’ll have a long streak of questions to answer that seem like decent, straightforward questions. After I get through all of them, Quora sends me variations of the same question with just some very slight differences, so I answer those too.
Next, it’s like a faucet is turned off, and the only thing I get are some of the dumbest questions imaginable that must have come from grade-school-aged members. They are just too dumb to answer, such as “Can Bill Gates buy anything he wants?” Then I’ll get a similar question, only this time it’s Elon Musk’s turn. I’ll spend an hour looking for one quality question I’ve not already answered and come up with nothing within the categories I usually write about.
Today’s dumb question:
I’m definitely not answering. It gives me a headache just thinking about it.
I don’t want to answer any more questions about aloneness or living alone because it brings out far too many people with deep psychological issues. You wouldn’t believe some of the messages I received, so I finally had to turn off private messaging on Quora.
There are a lot of people who badly need help, and I’m not a psychologist. I write to be helpful, but some people are so messed up that they think I can do something from the other side of the earth and magically fix their lives. About the only thing I can do is write answers.
I originally came to Quora to answer interesting questions because I wanted to be helpful. It was no more than that, and I love to write. I just need to slow down a bit until the quality of the questions comes back.
I’ve thought about digging for a new topic to cover, but I’ve not come up with one yet. I have too many other things to get done. See you soon.